
We are home

Back home after doing our US tour.  We left on the 13th of Jan and returned home on the the 31st, a total of 5800 miles.  We saw a lot of country and had an amazing time.
First we did the Sports Show in Billings.  Had an great time visiting with past and future clients.  The weather was cool but nice.
From Billings we went to Ardmore, Ok where I visited with my son and Irvin stayed at Wayne and Joanie Straders.  We did an open house at Wayne's which was a huge success and also did an open house in Oklahoma City.  Again, it was a good time and had a great visit.
From Oklahoma we went to Fayetteville, Tenn where we spent 4 amazing days with my son and his family.  We visited Bass Pro in Nashville as well as a Gander Mountain in Huntsville.  Of course those places are a must for Irvin and Spencer.  It was great.
From Tenn we went back to Longmont, Co. where we did another open house.  We stayed with Oscar and Jayne which was wonderful, as usual and our open house was another great success.  Congratulations to Hiedi Chambers who won the all expense paid fishing trip to Davin this summer.  Lucky lady, she gets to bring her personal guides!!!!  Hiedi is TJ's mom!!!
The weather was wonderful in Denver and just okay for the rest.  When we left home it was very cold so what we had was better than here.  We had good driving conditions until the trip home.  The weather was terrible in Montana with cold temps, snow and high winds.  The roads were near blocked going into and leaving Malta.
It is good to be home although it is to turn cold.  I don't mind cold at this time of the year, it dosen't seem to last long and there is heat in the sun.
Last report I have, there is a lot of show at Davin and of course it is cold.
Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this trip a huge success.
Will post again soon.  Till then, keep your powder dry - right JT???


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